SurveyFactory Documentation Documentation Publishing your survey and gathering results 2
Publishing your survey and gathering results 2

Once you've published your survey and started to receive results, you can view and manage the results through your Account Manager or export them in various formats. If you haven't yet, go ahead and fill out your test survey once yourself so that you have at least one response to work with for this tutorial.

View Responses

If you're not there already, go to your Account Manager's main page. Now you should see your survey listed with one active publication. Click the number under the Responses column.

[If the number is zero, you don't have any responses to view! Go ahead and fill out the survey once yourself so that you can work with a response for this tutorial. You can launch your survey by clicking on your survey's name, then clicking on the Launch link.]

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View a single Response

Now you'll be taken to a page that lists your responses. In time, you'll have a lot of responses, but for now you've probably just got the one you submitted yourself. Let's take a look at that response by clicking the View link listed on the right-hand column of the response summary.

Results viewone.gif

You'll be taken to a page with details on this submission, such as when it was completed and how long it took (Step 1). This page can be helpful if you need to scrutinize each submission carefully. You'll also get to view the survey with their selected answers. You can move forwards and backwards through the survey pages as if you were taking the survey yourself (Step 2).

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You may also notice a number of other options available to you. On this page you can remove this particular result or view their completed survey in a printable format. For now, though, we'll go back to the results overview by clicking the Return to Responses link on the right-hand navigation panel.

Results returntoresponse.gif

View several Responses

On the main responses page, click the View Results link near the top-right to view all of your responses at once.

Results viewall.gif

On the next page you'll get a list of of your survey pages and questions. If you want to view responses for only one page or question, you can click the View link to the right of the page or question. Our survey isn't too large, though, so let's look at all of them at once. To do this, click the View All link where the arrow is pointing.

Results viewallquestions.gif

Now you'll be presented with a list of all of your survey questions with details on how your respondents answered each question. Let's take each question in turn. Your results probably won't match the images exactly, because you answered your questions differently, but you should still be able to read and understand the results.

The first question we asked was a simple Yes or No question: "Are you satisfied with your service?" At the moment, you've probably only got one answer, so one will be displayed as 100% and the other as 0%. As you get more responses, the visual graph will give you a sense of the distribution between different answers at a glance, while the percentage will give you the exact distribution.

Results question1.gif

Our second question is a bit more complex. We asked the user to rate three different services. Each service will be listed on the left column, with the possible answers listed in subsequent columns to the right. In my example below, you'll see that 100% of the responses for Customer Service rated it as "Good". Of course, as more responses come in, you'll see a distribution across multiple answers.

There are also helpful "drill-down" features that allow you to sort the results. In my example, I may want to see which service received the most "Satisfactory" responses. This way I can see which service needs the most work. To do this, I'll click on the Satisfactory column header (Step 1). You can also click the little arrows under the Total column (Step 2). This will expand the row information and provide you with a visual graph illustrating the distribution between different answers.

Results question2.gif

Our last question asked for a text answer. These answers can't be calculated into percentages and ranked like the others, but you can get a drill-down list of each answer to each field. To get this, click the arrow under the Entered column.

Results question3.gif

Feel free to explore the results. If you look, you'll notice you can cross tabulate multiple questions and filter the results. These will allow you to pinpoint crucial portions of your results set once you've gathered more answers. We won't cover them in this tutorial, but you can always check out the documentation for cross tabulation and filters.

Export Responses

Let's take a look at how you can export your responses to third-party software like Excel. When you're looking at the results, an option will appear in the right-hand navigation panel to Export Responses. Click that option.

Results export.gif

On the export configuration page, you don't need to worry about most of the options. They'll allow you to export only certain publications or only some of the questions. For now, though, we won't worry about that.

The option we do want to consider, however, is the Export Format. You can export the results in HTML format, allowing you to display it on a webpage. We want to export it to third-party software like Excel, though, so change this option to Comma Separated Values (CSV) (Step 1). The CSV format is readable by most spreadsheet applications, allowing you to perform more mathematical operations or combine your results data with other data you may already have.

Once you've selected this option, click the Export Responses button at the bottom of the page (Step 2). This will give you a download prompt in your browser. You can download the file and open it in Excel or whichever spreadsheet program you prefer to use.

Results exportoptions.gif

Publish Results

You can also publish your results directly through SurveyFactory. To do this, lets get off the export page and go back to viewing the results. Click the View Results link in the right-hand navigation panel.

Results topublish.gif

Now click the Publish link at the top-right of the page.

Results publish.gif

There are two options you need to set in order to publish the results. Give a Publication Name and a Publication Identifier (Step 1). Once this is done, click the Publish Survey Results button at the bottom of the page (Step 2).

Results publishoptions.gif

Your survey results are published! On the following page you'll be given a link you can click to view the results (Step 1). You can also use that link to share the results with anyone you'd like. HTML code is provided for you to insert a link to the results in your own webpage (Step 2).

You're done!

That is all we'll cover in this tutorial. You may have noticed many of the options and tools were skipped over. We wanted to give you an easy, accessible introduction to SurveyFactory's system. But if you want to explore further our extensive array of performance features and customization options, don't hesitate to check out the rest of our documentation.

And don't forget to do some exploring yourself! Every one of our options is partnered with short explanations designed to help you understand their implementation.