
Once you've got your survey created, you'll need to create a publication. Publications allow you to share your survey with who you want, when you want. You can also run multiple publications of the same survey, in case you want to be able to easily divide the results for analysis.

There are two ways to publish your survey, Linking URL and Data Set. The Linking URL method publishes the survey to a webpage you can link to as you'd like. The Data Set allows you to send out invitations to your survey by email. Have a look at the Linking URL and Data Set publications for more information.

Allow modification of response after survey completion

Within each publication it is possible to allow respondents to modify their survey response after they have submitted it as complete.

If you have enabled the modification of completed responses, but also disabled the back button within the Respondent Movement access restriction, your respondents will be able to perform a change location on their response that will take them back to the start of the survey. This is required so that your respondents can edit their existing response. The back button will remain disabled for the remainder of their survey completion, but keep in mind they will always be able to go back to the very start of the survey if they desire.