SurveyFactory Documentation Documentation One Answer per Row
One Answer per Row

The One Answer per Row question type asks the respondent to select one of a number of choices for each row. The trick to this matrix type is found in its ability to list several different items under a single question, each awaiting the respondent's answer. You can also add a comment field to any row you'd like.

Similar in some ways to the Choose One Answer question type, the One Answer per Row question type is much more powerful. It's perfect for asking the respondent to reply Yes or No to several questions, or asking them to rate a number of items.


When selecting a question or content type, you can see what you're getting before you make your decision! Click on the Examples link at the top-right of each question type box. You'll get a brief preview of what the type looks like and how you might use it.

Template design

One Answer per Row template variables